Wednesday, August 9, 2017


  If you’ve ever heard, “You’re just a Dreamer!” – Great! That’s good news!
                                                 ~ Being a Dreamer can be a very good thing –                                                 
If you convert them to activity and direct them to become your reality. 
So, are you ready to manifest those dreams?
It’s up to you and you alone…
Sounds like a joke – but it’s real.
In the same way as we all know there are people who are in love – with ‘the idea of love’!
There are people that are in love with ‘the idea of online success’!
Same fantasy – one is emotional and one is financial – that’s it ~

Now, I ask you, “Which kind of person are you?”
                     A dream alone, will never get you from point A (there in your cubical) to point B
(enjoying business from your home office desk) –
You have to make that happen.. you have to make a plan!
Alright. You’ve decided that you are ready – determined to become financially independent.
And you can! – But you ask, “Now what? - How do I learn? Where do I start?
Here is just a simple little 10 point guideline you can follow. See if you are up for this..
~ “Test yourself here" ~  
                     Make a check mark next to each number you feel you’re ready to implement.                     Then compare the check marks to the blanks.

~ Let’s go for 10 ! ~

#1) Go ahead and Dream! –
Create a dream board in your office - or a dream file on your laptop! 
Keep it there to help you ‘remind you of your future reality’!
#2) Do some research – (Be comfortable and inspired) -
Don’t just grab for the first shiny object (offer) 
and blame the program for not performing.
In order for you to succeed, your heart has to be into the project.
So, choose something that perks your interest and that excites you.
Don’t be afraid to ask for contact with a ‘real person’ for some details.
If you feel ignored or intimidated –
Pass and look for another program with a personal Coach.
                                 #3) Realize it doesn’t happen overnight. Consistency is Key! ~                                       Yes, it will happen if you do your due diligence. 
                   Make out your ‘Daily Operations / To Do List, and  track your progress daily!

#4) Focus! – Do not move to the left or right.
Ignore all the distractions and neon signs pointing to other opportunities.
Remember, you are a marketer – So are they!
So, beware of those distractions and say, “No Thanks”, until you have mastered your own 
‘shiny object’ (You know, the grass is always greener…)

#5) Reach out to your Coach ~ 
and don’t ever be afraid to ask a ‘dumb’ question!
Once you obtain the information you needed –apply it.
You will realize that there are no dumb questions.
You simply have a lack of knowledge! Once you have it… 
be willing to share it with your team. Help someone else grow.

#6) Never stop learning, testing and growing. 
That is the nature of this world – and any business.
So - just do it!

#7) Don’t ‘Guru Shop’ ~ Stay in touch with your Coach.
“Hey, just dance with the one who brung ya!” Apply what they teach you.
Ask for more when you have that under your belt, then ask for more direction.
Stay in your own Classroom.. or you’ll soon find yourself in Study Hall – LOL!

#8) Don’t ever give up! (Refer to #1) -
You will never realize what you could have done (or become) if you give up now!
#9) Concentrate on your abilities not your inexperience –
Learn not to compare yourself to more successful people. They are not better than you.
They have simply had more experience, training and practice. Don’t get down on yourself.                  Know that, ‘anything you learn is something someone else needs to learn.

#10) Laugh & Celebrate! 
Every day, look at what you learned and accomplished, 
then pat yourself on the back! You deserve it!

** So, how’d you do? Reply with your score and any questions that you have.
I will do my best to direct you and share everything that I know to give you the right start –
and pointed in the right direction!

:) Barbara Rae @ <>

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