Wednesday, April 26, 2017


When Writing Copy for Ads, Posts, Videos.. ~ "It's All About The Verbs" ~
Great Lesson here ~ I just watch an insightful quick writing tip from a Copyrighter Group ~

I was pretty amazed how right this little tip seems to be. I believe I innately utilized this tip at times without realizing it, but to here a professional give out this valueable information was unique.

So say 'you' are writing and you have written .. 
"The woman was under the tree." The TIP was.. that if you utilize better verbs in place of 'to be' verbs, you will save a lot of writing and it will be much more powerful.

She suggests (in this case) to use perhaps one of these better substitute verbs, 
The woman: "kneeled under the tree, slept under the tree, ate under the tree, lounged under the tree, slouched under the tree".. etc..

Amazing - isn't it? Can you see the value of these more expressive verbs and power of such simple substitutes? 

'Sat' leaves the canvas quite white.. but as soon as you replace it with 'slumped', we wonder 'why'? 
If we say, 'kneeled', we also wonder.. Is she examining something on the ground? .. or praying?

This instantly 'not only paints a more interesting picture, but it also engages the reader. It causes them to be curious.. to ask questions in their minds and keeps them wanting more information.. 

Here is the video clip

Happy writing and always keep learning ! 

Make It A Great Day!

Barbara Rae 

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