Sunday, December 17, 2017


Inspiration or Expiration?
Why ask, you say?

Well... Let me help you undestand.. ??

"Inspiration" is Life Blood of your Business

Image result for inspire

If you're not "Inspiring" you're...

"Expiration" is R,I.P. !!
(The Death of your Business!)

Image result for wagon trail grave

Do you really want to have an online business?

Then, I hope you see the logic and do the math. 
You NEED a Team!

Your Team is Your Business and.. 

Your business is Your Team!!

Image result for inspire

"So what does it take?" ~ Fair question.
Inspiration!! It's the Life Force of your entire business!

You see... The Truth is...  
"You will succeed only when you help others." 

** Don't Panic ~ I'll Show you how! ** 
I will show you how - That's 'my job' as your coach!

If you have no interest in the success of others.. 
just give it up now! I mean that! 

'Cuz you'll never make it on your own. 

And that's a fact! 

If you want to be in business for yourself....

Image result for team pull

You need a happy, healthy, strong team to pull your wagon!

So.. You must give them good reasons to pull for you !!
If you show them you care - the will be there!

Just like a team of horses on and old covered wagon.. 

If you don't teach them, care for them, groom them, 
feed them, love them.. YES - Inspire them - Or...

Image result for wagon trail

... they'll wander off and you'll be stranded.

Then, sorry Kiddo, but ~ 
You and your wagon's going nowhere!

Remember, It's not about YOU unless .. you're about your Team!

Listen, Hitch up with My Team.. and let's enjoy "Happy Trails" 

with your own marketing experience! 

"Ask Me How" (Your Coach) Barbara Rae ~

 View >> Pure Profit Pro << $250 ~ $1000 (Direct Pay!)
>> MCA << $80+ (Pays every Friday!)
>> MC8 << 20% (Commissions plus Residuals)

Sunday, November 19, 2017

"Have You Ever Done This.. ?"

Amazing things happen when you least expect it.

Today, while resting in the warm Phoenix sunshine, 
I got a call reminder.

I was suppose to reach out to a friend today that
has been unable to get his 'Disability' approved.

He's is now a senior and like most of us has come 
up very short of his retirement meeting his needs. 
Working with all his medical issues is very taxing 
and is draining and exhausting to him at this stage.

So, he has been on a quest to find a plan - something which
will help supliment his income that is easy and worthwhile.

He asked for my help ~ 'He got it..'
I really felt for his situation - so it had to be a 
great match for him.
Health - that is important to us all. Natural Health however, is what more and more of us are searching out these days!

I introduced him to my (full spectrum) CBD business.
Pioneers in the industry, which is projected to grow to nearly
2 1/2 times the revenue of the NFL by 2020 !!! 
Nature is always the best way to cure. 
CBD is now available and with NO THC to be concerned with.

People are finding great relief with this powerful product in this proper form for everything under the Sun. 

Our brains and bodies are loaded with 1000's of  CBD receptors specifically 
designed for 'nothing but Cannabinoids - waiting for us to supply them!
For more information.. Contact me - or leave a comment below.
This company is FREE to join and FREE to share.. 

We don't even have to educate people who are interested...
We can share the FREE 'i-course' that increases their awareness and educates them on the facts about CBD as well as excites them to share such a wonder product and business with others. 

Let's chat soon ~ But 1st ... Check out this CBD blog for some good info.
FREE CBD Videos ~ i-Course ~ and much more! 

Take a look - No obligation.. just education.
Tell me what you think! 

This could be the legitimate opportunity that you've been looking for ~
>> CLICK HERE << and learn for FREE 

... How Good Is FREE to share with your friends and family?? 
It's Value.. Promotes Itself ! Enjoy!!
My Firend is Ready to Move Forward... Are You ??

Barbara Rae ~

Saturday, November 18, 2017

"Where Are You ?"

> Are you solid? (You're lucky!)

Related image

> Are you shaky? (You're like most folks these days)
> Are you.. clear down to saving money by - "hitchin' a ride" ??? 

Image result for car pool

> Or.. 
Are you just sick and tired of your situation and want a new life? (I can help you!)

Only you know your own situation.. and your own 'needs'.
But most people in all incomes tell me this...

"Life seems to be getting harder and harder financially 
these days. Is that your experience too?"

The BIG question is... "Would you like a break?" 

I know that I have shared several ways that I and my team 
are making our own way - and they are working very well for us, 
creating our own wealth 
Many monthly are leaving their jobs..

However, what about you?

Are you ready to make that happen for youself?
Do you have what it takes to go for it?
"In it to Win it?"

I have helped others and am ready to help even more people
find their way to personal financial freedom.

Heck - for most people I help get started, they tell me that 
an extra $400 to $800 per month would save their families...
their homes.. sometimes - even their marriage. 

That is what I want to focus on when I help someone break out 
on their own in the marketing business world.

It is working for so many - Don't get left behind, please!

I have started two new lines of income streams that are 'killing it' 
for many of my teammates. 

Wanna come along? Join us! 
Ask yourself.. "what do I have to lose?"

Are things going to ever get better in your life on the same track?
Want to keep hoping that your company doesn't downsize...
that your luck holds out...
that you wont have to scramble to find another job.. or worse...
a 2nd job ????? 

Enough already! Let me help you find a new way - new hope for 
your whole family.. and then let your friends follow you when they 
realize your success 'could be theirs too'.

I cannot think of a better and more realistic dream.. 
How about you?

Contact me now.. (*Just reply to this email nelow)

** then, *Call me with your questions... 
(*Just info - * No obligation ~ )

However - I want serious people on my team!
"Are you serious about making your own money - 
from your own home ?"

Well, if you say 'Yes!' ~ This is only $18 !!! 
How can you go wrong for only $18 ?

Admit it ~ That's not even a tank of gas...
Image result for $18 ** and still have change left over too !! **

~ Make it a Great Day !
"Believe In You!"

"So.. Talk to me.. "
Barbara Rae

Friday, September 15, 2017

My Own True CBD TESTimony!

My True CBD TESTimony! ~ 9.15.17 ~ 

Okay... Here goes...  
I don't like to open my life up (personally) very often..
But I felt that this was.. far too important 'not to'! 

Whatever I know could help others - I am compelled to do.
So that being said, "What Happened...?" Right?
Well, let's first establish that I detest Rx Drug companies and the damage done to people 
by their dangerous products.. So I am always searching for 
All Natural Cures and ways to treat the mind and body that are 
not invasive and not addictive in anyway.
[[ CBD vs. THC ]]
I was recently invited to try Pure, Organic, Full Spectrum CBD products.
(So far I have only tested the Adaptogen Oils, personally)

I can truthfully say that since I got my first product 3 weeks ago,
I am literally blown away with the results!!

My Issues Include: 
* ADD (and mental clarity)
* Anxiety Issues
* Episodic Depression
* Dyslexia
* Comprehension (Processing Information)
* Trouble Sleeping (Falling and staying asleep)
* (Constant) Pain (from personal injuries) 
* Chronic Sinus (and Migraine level Sinus Headaches)

>> So, I can HONESTLY SAY THIS... All these Symptoms have been Elleviated or drastically Lessened consistently, in these 3 weeks of Trial of .. CBD Adaptogen Oil !!
And I purchased the 'Lowest Concentration they make'.. 
to give it a good test too'! 
I have shared this experience with all my closes friends that are aware of my issues...
and THEY encouraged me to share it with all my Blog Readers.. This includes YOU! ~

** If you want to Learn About CBD 
(Now offered Legally.. In All 50 States!) ..
>> Click Here <<  
(Hit the "Take Free CBD Course Button below the Video!)

** To View Videos About the Benefits and History of CBD...
>> Click Here <<

** If you are ALREADY AWARE and know of the CBD Benefits ...
 >> Click Here << ** 15% Sale is Happening.. Right NOW! ** 
... on Adaptogen Oils and more!

** NOW, Don't forget to share YOUR experience.. ! **
I'd love to read your replies and reactions to this information! <3

>> Like My CBD Posts on FB Here << 
(I had to share my Awesome CBD Experience!) 

For now, Blessings,
Barbara Rae >> Leave a Message @ 623-226-8480

Saturday, September 9, 2017

~ 9.8.17 ~ 
A Sad Day For Country Music

Unfortunate reporting.. 
Country Music took a huge hit today.
Two top Country Stars lost there lives.
~ Don Williams & Troy Gentry ~

Don Williams passes away at age 78 after an illness.
He was inducted into Country Music Hall of Fame in 2010.
Dubbed 'Country Music's Gentle Giant', Don stood 6'1'' delivering the warm and tender vocals that his fans have always treasured. 
His hits included:

Troy Gentry was tragically killed in a Helicopter crash just before a performance today.
He was half of the popular country duo, "Montgomery Gentry".
The are responsible for a long string of Country hits including:

Friday, September 8, 2017

Ethical Marketing ~ Don't Get Pushy !!

~ 9.8.17 ~  

Ethical Marketing is of the 'Highest Order of Business'

I had the craziest experience today.
A TV providing company came to my door and though they convince me that we may save a considerable amount of money each month with more benefits...
I wound up showing them the door.

No matter how I many ways I told them that I would need to discuss with my household in private to make a decision after considering all the benefits and changes, they just kept pushing me to sign a contract. Making me promises and doing their best to make me feel intimidated and without excuse for not signing a 2 year agreement - there and then.

When I told them I won't make a decision on the spot and would call them after consideration if I chose to do business with them, they got dodgy.

They had told me not to worry about issues because I would have their very own cell number to contact if I experienced any issues. So I said, "I will need your card to call you when we decided to get their services when we meet on it." 

He pushed for a signature. I said, "No, I will think about it." He said, "There's nothing to think about. I just answered all your questions." 

Shocked at his boldness, I said, "You know, don't get pushy because I don't respond well to pushy." He claimed he wasn't being pushy. I said, "No, that's exactly what you are doing."

To this they shook their heads and said, "That's why we're here right now to answer all your questions. I showed you how much money you'll be saving so let's just sign the contract and get it done." So, I said, "No, I never make instant, on the spot decisions and we will call you when we decide."

They actually told me, "No, that's not how it works. You only get our number to call 'if' you sign the contract!" Not kidding! That's what they told me.

Well, I said, "Well guys, guess you don't want my business very badly then, looks like we are not going to be doing business with you. So, we won't need your services after all." To which they stormed out of my house, mumbling, grumbling and making rude remarks.. 

I just shook my head and laughed - a little 'dumb-struck' that anyone would or could do business in that way. 

~ "How could anyone with that kind of ethical void make a living?", I thought to myself.
Wow ~ Would you have signed that contract? I hope not!

So, listen. Iwant to let you know that you will never get that treatment here with my team.
If you want to join me in my marketing streams.. you can have my phone number.
Contact me personally ~
Just >> Click Here << to join my email group
I will listen to your needs, dreams and desires. 
I will not push you into anything!

Nothing makes me madder than an offer with a hour glass!!!
I truly hate the... "You only have 10 minutes to take advantage of.... Blah BLah Blah.." 
So tacky and so pushy! 
And definitely 'NO Way to Do Business!!

Happy Trails ~ Make it a Great Day! 
>> Click Here << for 'Today's Video

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


  If you’ve ever heard, “You’re just a Dreamer!” – Great! That’s good news!
                                                 ~ Being a Dreamer can be a very good thing –                                                 
If you convert them to activity and direct them to become your reality. 
So, are you ready to manifest those dreams?
It’s up to you and you alone…
Sounds like a joke – but it’s real.
In the same way as we all know there are people who are in love – with ‘the idea of love’!
There are people that are in love with ‘the idea of online success’!
Same fantasy – one is emotional and one is financial – that’s it ~

Now, I ask you, “Which kind of person are you?”
                     A dream alone, will never get you from point A (there in your cubical) to point B
(enjoying business from your home office desk) –
You have to make that happen.. you have to make a plan!
Alright. You’ve decided that you are ready – determined to become financially independent.
And you can! – But you ask, “Now what? - How do I learn? Where do I start?
Here is just a simple little 10 point guideline you can follow. See if you are up for this..
~ “Test yourself here" ~  
                     Make a check mark next to each number you feel you’re ready to implement.                     Then compare the check marks to the blanks.

~ Let’s go for 10 ! ~

#1) Go ahead and Dream! –
Create a dream board in your office - or a dream file on your laptop! 
Keep it there to help you ‘remind you of your future reality’!
#2) Do some research – (Be comfortable and inspired) -
Don’t just grab for the first shiny object (offer) 
and blame the program for not performing.
In order for you to succeed, your heart has to be into the project.
So, choose something that perks your interest and that excites you.
Don’t be afraid to ask for contact with a ‘real person’ for some details.
If you feel ignored or intimidated –
Pass and look for another program with a personal Coach.
                                 #3) Realize it doesn’t happen overnight. Consistency is Key! ~                                       Yes, it will happen if you do your due diligence. 
                   Make out your ‘Daily Operations / To Do List, and  track your progress daily!

#4) Focus! – Do not move to the left or right.
Ignore all the distractions and neon signs pointing to other opportunities.
Remember, you are a marketer – So are they!
So, beware of those distractions and say, “No Thanks”, until you have mastered your own 
‘shiny object’ (You know, the grass is always greener…)

#5) Reach out to your Coach ~ 
and don’t ever be afraid to ask a ‘dumb’ question!
Once you obtain the information you needed –apply it.
You will realize that there are no dumb questions.
You simply have a lack of knowledge! Once you have it… 
be willing to share it with your team. Help someone else grow.

#6) Never stop learning, testing and growing. 
That is the nature of this world – and any business.
So - just do it!

#7) Don’t ‘Guru Shop’ ~ Stay in touch with your Coach.
“Hey, just dance with the one who brung ya!” Apply what they teach you.
Ask for more when you have that under your belt, then ask for more direction.
Stay in your own Classroom.. or you’ll soon find yourself in Study Hall – LOL!

#8) Don’t ever give up! (Refer to #1) -
You will never realize what you could have done (or become) if you give up now!
#9) Concentrate on your abilities not your inexperience –
Learn not to compare yourself to more successful people. They are not better than you.
They have simply had more experience, training and practice. Don’t get down on yourself.                  Know that, ‘anything you learn is something someone else needs to learn.

#10) Laugh & Celebrate! 
Every day, look at what you learned and accomplished, 
then pat yourself on the back! You deserve it!

** So, how’d you do? Reply with your score and any questions that you have.
I will do my best to direct you and share everything that I know to give you the right start –
and pointed in the right direction!

:) Barbara Rae @ <>

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

~ Today, we.. "Lost a Treasure" ~

~ 8.8.17 ~
TODAY.. will mark the passing of one of my all time favorite musicians,
RIP ~ Mr. Glen Campbell ~

Glen was born April 22 1936 in Billstown Arkansas. 
He passed away today, August 8, 2017 at the age of 81.

He'd been long suffering with Alzheimer's Disease. 
In 2014 Glen wrote and recorded a real tear-jerker (and haunting) song to wife about the fact 
that he knew he would forget her,  
appropriately titled...
~ "I'm Not Going To Miss You" ~ (TIP: Get out your hanky!)
** [This song was nominated for Best Original Song at the 87th Academy Awards and won a Grammy for Best Country Song for 2015]

Glen was an amazing Personality and Talent. He impressed this world with the bulk of his work as a Singer, Musician, Songwriter, TV Host, Actor, Family Man, and more.
The warm tones of his pleasant, gentle and flexible voice contributed to the flavor of so many beautiful and popular songs in both Country and Rock music. 

Glen's vocals were so pure, natural and perfectly matched to his awesome and undeniable 
'good looks'.
Even into his many years, Glen never lacked in masculine charm.. 
No, he was certainly a handsome gent in his manner, profile and stature.

If you are too young to be familiar with the huge bulk of Glen Campbell's recordings and work, 
simply search his name - you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Samples here:

Mr. Glen Campbell, You will be sorely missed and your memory and music, treasured.

And "Yes, Glen.. You blessed and enriched out lives.. and
"Thank You For Staying.. 'Until It Was Time For You To Go'."
Gone ~ but 'never forgotten' <3

Monday, July 17, 2017


~ 7.17.17 ~

No doubt about it ~
YouTube definitely tops the list for marketing your business or opportunity!

But are your videos even getting noticed ?

Are you just another fish in the deep sea of those using videos to get the message out?

Does it seem like there should be something that gets your videos to stand out and look more
professional and current - more noticeable - and perhaps 
'more views' ??

Yep! That's possible. Mostly that is a product of 'good old experience' and lots of 'putting your videos out there to be seen - that goes without saying. 
However, there is some other types of
help out there to make that happen for you.

If you decide you want 'the most for the least investment' 
this is your ticket!

Even if you have a bit of a sharp learning curve - this is a great way to...
start getting noticed and (the reason we're here) 
getting more followers
and sign-ups to your promotions.

I finally looked into the company after asking someone how they made such great video content. 

>> I discovered that ScreenCast-O-Matic is a 'Free to Super Cheap' software that anyone can use to create 
professional marketing videos.

And after researching and purchasing this software myself... 
I find it to be a fantastic and useful tool - that every marketer needs to create those 'Stand Out Videos' - that you can be very proud of!
(Try it out..)

(( Click HERE for a 20% discount if you go Pro ! ))


.... and 'Watch Your Business Grow' !! ....

If you found this information to be helpful or add value to your business, drop me a line
[[ * Please, Add the Subject Line.... "Thanks for The Valuable Tip" ]]
Be sure to share with me the business you're marketing ..

Always a pleasure helping entrepreneurs to gain the upper hand on their business.

~ Let's Make Money! ~
* Call / Email anytime! 

Barbara Rae

Saturday, July 15, 2017

 ~ 7.16.17 ~


 First of all, join the club. It's a good one!
Of course we know the younger generations may have the upper hand in their experience and fluidity with using technology and their brain cells may function on a split second.. that shouldn't stop us or intimidate us at all.

We may feel like it's not worth jumping into the world of online business marketing for these reasons. You know, we might even imagine that while they whiz by crossing the finish line.. we may still be tying our tennis shoe laces!

But Hey, I get it - and I feel your pain.. I really do. "However".. 
(don't you just love that word? - LOL) 
However, who was it that actually won the race in that famous old fable anyway?? 
" The Tortoise & The Hare" is a story everyone has heard but few stop long enough to consider the depth of the moral of that story.

The Tortoise won by his 'Persistence and Dedication'. He may not have been the fastest, but he was not distracted with the side issues because his focus was on the activity and his goal. All he considered was step by step, making his way to the finish line.

Even the racing of the Rabbit was not enough to distract or discourage him. 
He just kept plugging along to his eventual success. 

The Rabbit on the other hand, being quite pleased with his speed and skills, got cocky and relaxed thinking that he had it in the bag and could not lose. That was a distraction to his downfall. 

So considering our choice of characters in this little play on the world's stage of business marketing, which mind set are 'you' ? Which one fits your mind set and practice more closely? 

No matter what your real age, whether 18 or 80, winning at this race depends solely on your decision to pursue your goals to the end, what ever it takes! That is the fuel that is necessary to hit the top.. to cross the finish line. 

So, curiously I ask.. What are you? The Tortoise? The Hare? 
Well, to tell you the truth - both are able to succeed greatly.. 
Anyone can win! That's the good news!

If you are the Hare and you can remain focused on that goal allowing for no interference, you will succeed in a hurry in online marketing. 

If you are the Tortoise, (I raise my hand - lol) you will succeed as well. Perhaps later - but perhaps stronger and with more security because you missed none of the road signs (the lessons of learning process) along the way. 

But your level of success is not limited due to your speed (fast or slow) - that is, unless you fail to be persistent. Persistence is the key! 

~ So, with persistence.. Both can Win! ~

If you desire success for your own work from home, internet business goals and dreams.. 
And you just need someone to be a guide to set you on the right course, providing you with a proven BLUEPRINT for success, just call. 

I can find out what it is you want to achieve and help you to get there, safer and faster. 
I will also provide guidance to help you navigate through the marketing territory that you're not familiar, to help save you lots of time and money! 

The real question is 'when are you going to get started' ???
Call me for a 'FREE' consultation. I want to help you discover your true and realistic goals of success and create a personal step-by-step blueprint for you to follow.

But the sooner you get started - the better.
You know the finish line will 'never' come to you - Right? Right!!


~ "Let's Make Money!" ~
Call me soon!

Barbara Rae @ 

Life is Overboard with 'Covid' ~ Sink? - or Swim?

Life is Overboard with 'Covid'... and we're all just wading. So, in these times... "What Really Matters" ? These ...