Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Good Morning All ~ I have a treat for you -  (video links below)

Maybe you've asked yourself lately - How (and why do they do it ?
So many years I wondered about how and why people start an online business.

There are a lot of answers to those questions. Truth is, it's just like your job.. but you work for you. You don't have to spend your days on someone elses clock! It's your business - your choices. Make no mistake it is still work.. but it's SMART work - Profitable and more Secure.

You get up to work - but on your hours.
You still go to work - but it's 25 ft away from your own fridge, stove and bathroom.
You have to get your work done - but to your own satisfaction.
You still get paid - but you get to keep the profits .. No longer $ ? / Hour.. It's all up to you!

Nope! Nobody will tell you how much you can make..
Learn to work SMARTER - NOT HARDER.. and best of all the reasons is your own personal FREEDOM.

Here's a quick 11 minute Video to help explain the 'how and why'.. I'm sure you'll enjoy!
> Click here < and turn up your speakers! The Secret's getting out !
Get Personal Answers & Email Specials and Email Announcements ~

Make it a Great Day!
Barbara Rae ~

Friday, February 24, 2017



I mean, ever? Of course – Always trying to find that magic key – “The Secret” sauce?
That’s often what happens in life when we are taken, ‘off guard’ – It’s just experience. Life’s practical joke. But what about ‘being duped’ into starting a business online?

~ Reality ~

No doubt you know what I mean – if you’ve ever bought into and tried to start one of those, “All in one – Easy Push button – Magic software – Done for you” offers.

That’s not a business – That’s a gimmick! And it’s much like the Medicine man in the Old West selling an 5% herb tonic in 95% alcohol as a medicinal miracle cure.

~ But that’s okay! - You’re in a good crowd ~ 
No dream killers here ! ~

So, don’t feel bad – In fact, the most brilliant and touted of the online business celebrities admit that they have too!

It is said in the industry that the most successful Entrepreneurs have tried a minimum of seven (yes - that’s 7) different online business models before they figured out how to make a ‘real business work for real’ online.

~ What that means is .. You're DOING IT RIGHT ~

This only proves that you are a dedicated dreamer. And dedicated you must be to make it to where you want to be. Very few of us on this Earth are ‘handed a blank check’ for our dreams and vision. Some of the children of the 1% maybe – but not the rest of us.

“So, don’t look down and don’t give up!”
Keep learning and moving forward and it will eventually take you ‘upward’ on your financial graph. That arrow with begin to climb when you figure out that it’s all about research (for the ‘real business’ and ‘real mentors) and that you must be dedicated to learn and grow your own business.

~ The SECRET ~

“Nothing comes from nothing .. Nothing ever could..” (to quote Julie Andrews). So, chin up! You’re going to make it – if you really want to work for your dream of quality life – freedom of time – and financial independence.

Yes, I said that ‘four letter word’ = Work! But smarter – not harder. No longer trading your hours of hard labor for a few dollars. You will work to set up your own business online and ‘work it’ until it begins to support you instead of the other way around~

~ Stay tuned for more news ~

For immediate notification, get on my personal email list an I’ll contact you personally with ongoing industry news and uplifting messages and productive messages.
(* I protect your email as I do my own) Join me.. 
>> CLICKHERE << for constant updates and..

“Make it a Great Day”..

Barbara Rae

Thursday, February 23, 2017



I believe we all realize that it 'IS' possible..
because we all know of people that are making huge money on the net in their own online business.

Perhaps they are doing online investments.. ?
Perhaps Ebay.. ?
Perhaps they have some kind of mysterious 'secret' that we don't know about ?

Well, is more like they didn't start it 'yesterday' !

A successful business online is exactly like a successful 'brick and mortar' business.
There is much planning and much to have in place first and so let's put it out on on the table.

If there is a secret, it is.. Decisiveness, Consistency, Determination and Passion!
These are four legs of the table and without even one you cannot youself nor your clients / team.

Now, there is nothing wrong with dreaming. (Referrence: "Happy Talk" lyrics)
[ You've Got To Have A Dream - If you don't have a dream -
How you gonna make a Dream Come True ? ]

So, first - Dream.. as big as you want. But you can't just dream.
Imagine being successful in your own business - working from your home office.
Your own hours - schedule - Near the fridge.. LOL ~ okay, okay..

Now let's gently stir in a cup of reality... How?
How to start a business.. What business.. What will I need to do..
Well, it does need some find tuning.., but don't let that steal your dream.

Hey! ~ If you don't work for yourself - you'll be working for someone else.. Right?
Well, then. Here we are. We have a dream that we can work for. And that's great!

Now, about the What business and How?? Well, I have some terrific answers for you.
Just "Stay Calm ~ Focus ~ and I'll share what I know that you will be surprised at.

I am thrilled to say that I have searched high and low for a decade ti find...
This.. No Hype - No Wild Outlandish Schemes - No ongoing payments or monthly orders..
Simple - Member to Member - Direct Pay at 100% Commissions.. Business of your own.

And listen - it doesn't get simpler or more profitable than this business.
Go to this link, enter your email address and I'll be sending your to a very short but Informative Video that will explain it all to you - that quick !
I told you it's simple, didn't I ?

Well here it is >> Click Here << for the short Presentation Video link.
(You won't even need a bowl of popcorn - super short 11 minutes - full of info)
You will be so surprised when you see the Simple - Logical - No B.S.  business model.

See you there ~ 
Barbara Rae

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wow ~

What an Amazing weekly Zoom Hangout we had tonight !

Super informative and Personal and Inspiring messages and guidance from our top income producers / coaches / mentors ~ 

They are Heaven sent and bent on ensuring we are trained for 
our own success!

* If you missed it, get on my email list for future Zoom Hangouts..
Get to know our Community of Successful Entrepreneur Coaches.. They're real people.
(Here's the link: Click here to Join us next time.. MAILING LIST LINK Here :)

Quick message today:

Just asking. What's been missing?

Haven't you searched for a 'real online business' for a long, long time?
What was always missing? Real People ? - Real Sales ? - Real Value ? ..
Or all of the above ???

Well, allow me to brag..

If you have not yet heard of our Company "Pure Profit Pro" .. Let me get you 'in the Loop'.

We are all private owners in out Digital Franchise businesses. Each owner is positioned to
create IMMEDIATE and UNLIMITED, 100% COMMISSION PROFITS of $250 to $1,000 per sale!

All we do is:

1) Share our experiences with others that are seeking a 'REAL Online Business..

2) Invite them to view the information and contact us with any Questions.. Let them decide if it is for them and if they 'really want' their own Digital Franchise System for Entrepreneurial Freedom.


It's exactly that simple. We don't pressure anyone. Why would we? It's so simple that they will easily to see the VALUE for themselves.

Well that's our opinion - See if it's yours as well.. 
Just add your name to my email list to learn all about it ~  
  CLICK HERE - and then call me. 
I will provide my new friends a phone contact and a link to my webpage through the special link I'll be sending you to learn more about how 'REAL Internet BUSINESS' works ~

I am confident that you will immediately see what we all know about
this great personal business.. Digital Franchise Opportunity.

Barbara Rae ~

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Welcome to my Blog ~

I am Barbara Rae and the reason I'm here is to announce that I will be sharing 'Simple and Amazing Online Business Tips and Strategies to Create 'your own' daily cash deposits.

Why not share? I am constantly learning new and exciting ways to create and sustain fantastic income through business strategies of very successful people.

Yes, there's a lot of 'blah, blah, hype type' noise online.. but that's not what I'm sharing with you !

Just honest, personal and most importantly - Simple ways to create or even boost your online cash success.. I have been learing from the best, 'real business builders' I know online.

Hope you will join me and follow as I drop the mic almost daily on some insider activity secrets and new 'little things I learn'.. Yes! I'm going to 'Share' ! ~ So be there as my business grows or 'JOIN me' and grow with me as well.

So, follow closely as I grow and bring you news or just my experiences. And stay tuned for ..

"Some Serious & Practical ~ Some Fun & Stupid Simple" ... But all about supporting 'YOU' in your online business experience while creating my greater Cash 365 Dream happen !.

If you are curious about what I do and all that I am learning - just drop your contact on my email page.. http://cashteam365.com or leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you.

I'll be typing to you soon ~ Barbara Rae

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